[NLP][AI][MATHS] Mathematical foundations of Neural Language Models (NLMs)

 Let’s delve into the mathematical foundations of Neural Language Models (NLMs), which form the basis for modern Large Language Models (LLMs):

  1. Representation Learning:

    • NLMs aim to learn meaningful continuous representations (also known as embeddings) for words or tokens.
    • Each word is mapped to a high-dimensional vector in a continuous space.
    • These embeddings capture semantic relationships and contextual information.
  2. Feedforward Neural Networks (FNNs):

    • The simplest neural model consists of a single hidden layer with nonlinear activation functions.
    • Given an input (word embedding), the network computes a hidden representation using weights and biases.
    • The output layer predicts the next word or token.
  3. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs):

    • RNNs handle sequential data by maintaining hidden states across time steps.
    • Each time step processes an input (word embedding) and updates the hidden state.
    • RNNs suffer from vanishing gradients and struggle with long-range dependencies.
  4. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Networks:

    • LSTMs address the vanishing gradient problem in RNNs.
    • They have memory cells that allow information to flow across time steps.
    • LSTMs are widely used for sequence modeling tasks.
  5. Transformer Architecture:

    • The Transformer revolutionized NLP and forms the backbone of many LLMs (e.g., BERT, GPT).
    • Key components:
      • Self-Attention Mechanism: Captures global context by attending to all positions in the input sequence.
      • Multi-Head Attention: Multiple self-attention heads allow learning different aspects of context.
      • Positional Encoding: Injects position information into word embeddings.
      • Feedforward Layers: Nonlinear transformations.
    • Transformers handle long-range dependencies efficiently.
  6. Training Objective:

    • NLMs are trained using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE).
    • Given a sequence of words, the model predicts the next word.
    • The loss function measures the discrepancy between predicted probabilities and actual next words.
    • Backpropagation and gradient descent update model parameters.
  7. Pretraining and Fine-Tuning:

    • LLMs are pretrained on massive amounts of text (unsupervised pretraining).
    • During fine-tuning, they are adapted to specific downstream tasks (e.g., sentiment analysis, translation).
    • Fine-tuning involves training on labeled task-specific data.
  8. Mathematical Optimization:

    • Optimization algorithms (e.g., stochastic gradient descent) adjust model weights to minimize the loss.
    • Learning rates, weight decay, and other hyperparameters impact convergence.
  9. Evaluation Metrics:

    • Common metrics include perplexity, which measures how well the model predicts the next word.
    • Lower perplexity indicates better performance.

In summary, NLMs leverage neural networks to learn powerful representations from text data. The mathematical machinery involves embeddings, recurrent structures, attention mechanisms, and optimization techniques. These models have transformed natural language understanding and generation.


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